Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest

sigla_clusterThe Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest prepares specialists with superior training in the following fields: civil engineering, instalations engineering, engineering of  technological equipment in constructions, environmental engineering, geodesy, engineering and management and system engineering. The Technical University of Civil Engineering is the initiator and coordinator of the EUCEET Thematic Network, which includes 131 partner institutions from 29 European countries. Since March 2001, the Technical University of Civil Engineering signed a double diploma agreement with Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, this being the first agreement of its kind in the field of technical higher education in our country. UTCB is an active partner in numerous national and international research projects (JICA, FP7, Norway Funds, World Bank, Swiss Funds, etc),  as the research segment has significant importance for the university leadership.

Products and services

With regard to its research activities, the Technical University of Civil Engineering of Bucharest provides the following research and design services:

  • Static and seismic response, risk and safety analyses of of hydraulic structures;
  • Mathematical modeling for optimization of groundwater management; the effect of industrial pollution on aquifer systems, assessment of pollution level of aquifer strata and its remediation
  • Utilization of renewable energy sources: wind, solar, marine.

With regard to the infrastructure and team’s expertise, the Groundwater Engineering Research Centre can provide the following services: geophysical investigations (electrometry, microseismic, ground penetrating radar, geophysical well logging), numerical modeling, in situ analysis of groundwater and pollutants, numerical modeling of permeable media characteristics.

Contact data

Contact person: Constantin Radu Gogu

Adress: Bd. Lacul Tei nr. 122 – 124, cod 020396, sector 2, Bucuresti

Phone: +40 21 242.12.08

Fax: +40 21 242.07.81


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