
samwaySamway is an expert in providing high performance products and solutions for management and monitoring of telecommunications, military, and industrial computers. This evolves monitoring the internal parameters of a System Platform such as voltages, temperatures,fan speeds; communication with the different cards inside the System Platform using IPMI ; and reporting the system status through advanced communication protocols like SNMP, RMCP, Telnet, http(Web), thus enabling remote management and monitoring of the system.

The product portfolio is dedicated to the embedded market based on common hardware standards such as AMC, MicroTCA, VME,VPX, and compact PCI.

In contrast to larger companies in this space, we are set up to be agile and react to our customer’s specific needs, offering a base technology platform which we can quickly customize for the particular requirements of their project.

Samway is member of PICMG and all the products that use related hardware standards have been thoroughly tested at the Interoperability Workshops organized by PICMG, to prove compatibility with the standards and the products from other vendors.

Products and Service

  • Samwayoffers a wide rangeof products forindustrialmonitoring and controlcomputer:
    Shelf Manager – Lets you remotely monitor and control the operation of a computer architectures manufactured according cPCI, ATCA and VPX.
  • MCH(MicroTCA CarrierHub) – ForcomputertypeMicroTCA. Besidesmonitoringandcontrolfunction, it has the roleto transferdata packetsbetween differentcardsinstalledinthe computer.MCHdeveloped by the companySamwaycontains a1GbEthernetswithswitchandaPCIExpressGeneration3allowstransferspeeds of8GT/ son a singlelink.
    Besides hardware, Samway offers design services electronic modules according to customer specifications. This includes: the electronic scheme design, PCB design, prototype manufacturing, software development for microcontrollers and FPGA Test.

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