National Institute of Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies ICSI Rm. Valcea

logo_icsi4National Institute of Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies ICSI Rm. Valcea’s mission is scientific research, technological development and innovation, the exploitation of results through technology transfer and specialized services.
The objectives of the National Institute of Research and Development for Cryogenic and Isotopic Technologies – ICSI Rm. Valcea are facing:
- Supporting nuclear national program – nuclear fission and nuclear fusion;
- Studies and research in the field of cryogenic processes, materials and specific equipment;
- Hydrogen and fuel cells, renewable energy sources;
- Environment and quality of life;
- Transfer of technology and specialized services;
- Development of human resources in research, training young scientists and fostering research teams of high performance;
- Development of management of public funds, including structural funds allocated and private scientific research.



  • Applied researchandexperimental developmentforcompanies specialized innational and international projects.
  • Assistance andresearchinthe field of renewableenergy-heat pumps, solar panels, photovoltaics, fuel cells.
  • Design anddevelopmentofsupportdocumentationforpermits,approvals and agreementsnecessary forthe location andconstruction ofheavy water detritiationunit.
  • Engineering services, expertise, technical solutionsand technical assistance forheavy waterproduction unitsandrefocusheavy water.
  • Technical assistance services, operation and maintenanceof the facilityfor obtainingdeuterium depleted water.
  • Preparationandcertificationstandardsforheavy waterandlight water
  • Makingfillingsorderedto sharemeals -isotopeandheat exchange
  • Preparation ofcatalysts andcatalyticorderedproduction offillings.
  • Services Research andanalysis ofsolid, liquidand gaseous fuels, includingbiomass.
  • Analysisgases andgas mixtures.
  • physico-chemicalandisotopicanalysisof food, alcoholic and soft drinksforfood security.
  • Monitoringenvironmental factors-water-air-soil sedimentdevelopingenvironmentalimpact studies.
  • Monitoringthe activityof radioisotopesinthe environment(T tritium, organically boundtritiumOBTandC14).
  • Production and bottling pure and ultrapure gases – argon, argon spectral, helium, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, methane, carbon dioxide, etc.
  •  Production welding gas mixtures in a controlled environment.
  •  Production of gas mixtures for INERGEN fire type.
  •  Production of pure gases and gas mixtures for analysis and calibration of instrumentation for analysis.
  • clean-up, repair, verification and recertification ISCIR gas cylinders, pressure vessels.
  •   Measurement of vacuum, vacuum jacketed recovery and re-cryogenic vessels and tanks.
  •   Checking and calibration of sensors for cryogenic temperatures.
  •   Testing of materials at cryogenic temperatures.
  •    Check the tightness machinery and equipment.
  •    Mechanical processing, pickling, passivation sections of pipe and equipment.
  •    Establishment of new companies or existing companies incubating in Technology and Business Incubator’s ICSI Rm. Valcea.
  •    Assistance and consultancy for firms incubated and computer facilities allocated spaces.
  •    Services technology transfer research results in profitable applications for the undertakings.




Contact person:  Marian Curuia

Adress: 4Uzinei street, 240050, Rm. Valcea, PO Raureni, PO Box 7
Phone: +40 250 732744
Fax: +40 250 732746
