MANUNET Transnational Call 2018

6 years ago  By  Iuliana Velniciuc     No comments

MANUNET is a network of national and regional agencies under the European Framework Programme. MANUNET is aligned with the European priorities and intends to create a smart sustainable growth in the European manufacturing sector by coordinating the research and innovation efforts in the field of advanced manufacturing.

Main objective

The strategic objective of the MANUNET call for proposals is to foster the competitiveness of Europe’s Manufacturing Industry by co-funding manufacturing research projects performed by enterprises (preferably SMEs), research centres and universities.

The funding objectives of the call are transnational application oriented and high risk research and development projects related to Manufacturing.

Added regional/national value through this transnational co-operation is one of the critical success factors for transnational project support within the MANUNET ERA-NET frame.

See more about this call here.

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