
Indra_01_pos_CMYKIndra is the leading consulting and technology multinational in Spain and Latin America. It provides solutions and services for the Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Public Administration and Healthcare, Financial Services, Security and Defence and Telecom and Media sectors.

Indra’s business operations contribute to the creation of wealth by generating solutions and services as well as the distinguishing characteristic that sets the company apart: innovation. This is of crucial importance because innovation is essential for the economy and an indispensable requirement for social development. Indra firmly believes that its solutions and services are excellent tools for contributing to development, not only to the benefit of the clients but, in a much wider sense, to the benefit of society in general and the communities where it operates.

Indra’s goal is to achieve a sustainable development, understood as a balanced growth across economic, social and environmental realms.

Products and services

Indra has always been committed to developing proprietary technologies and solutions with a differential value for the various sectors in which it operates. This is what provides the company its competitive edge and enables it to penetrate new markets as well as harness the synergies that arise from applying the capabilities developed in one sector across all other sectors.

Indra follows a value creation strategy, offering customers comprehensive management solutions, from consultancy, to project development, integration and implementation, to IT outsourcing and BPO.

Indra has proprietary solutions for all its market segments: Transport & Traffic, Energy and Industry, Public Sector and Healthcare, Financial Services, Security and Defence, and Telecom & Media.

Indra offers its customers turnkey solutions, from strategy and conceptualization through to the final development of the solution.

Indra’s solutions enable it to equip infrastructures with intelligence, bring about radical changes in the movement of people and goods (including water, energy or information), or reduce transaction costs. To do this, Indra boasts the most advanced systems of infrastructure sensorization, communications roll-out and distributed data processing capacity, as well as information and intelligence systems which enable control, in real time, of infrastructures and the automatic reconfiguration of networks safely and efficiently to respond to changes in the environment.


Contact person: Sorina Iuga

Adress: 54B Iancu de Hunedoara bvd., AVANTGARDE OFFICE BUILDING, 4Floor,

1st District, zip code 011745,  Bucharest, ROMANIA

Phone: 021.335.15.21

Fax: 021.335.15.22

