Management Entity

ELI NP Innovative Cluster is the Management Entity of the MHTC

The Association is a non-governmental, nonprofit and apolitical; it is an independent entity and does not discriminate on ethnic and / or religious issues.
Its aim is to develop a cluster association that will promote information and technology transfer in order to increase the performance of SMEs through collaboration with research – development & innovation entities (RDI) and academic environment. Association carried out in the common interest of the members of the cluster, general economic activities and research, development and innovation, aiming especially the implementation of the development strategy to achieve the objectives of the association.
The overall objective of the association is to attract SMEs, research entities, development and innovation, and the university in order to create value chains using mainly the opportunities generated by the project Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics – ELI – NP. Attached you will find the association status.

MEC will provide a wide range of services for the members of Magurele High Tech Cluster. The main services offered are:
• Evaluation of the innovation capacity of SMEs members of the MHTC and proposing plans to increase performance in this area in accordance with the development strategies of the companies.
• Staff training and assimilation of best practices developed by clusters of Romania and the EU.
• Skills development in the transfer of knowledge and technology. Procedures at European level for intellectual property protections.
• Increasing competence of SMEs cluster managers in public communication to prevent the negative impact of crisis situations and campaigns to inform the public about the results obtained.
• Market research for the correct positioning of SMEs in areas in which they evolve.
• Marketing activities.
• Creating brands and promotion campaigns for each SMEs member of cluster.
• Developing new ideas for projects.
• Preparation of projects to obtain funding governmental, European and international, public and private.
• Development of national and international networks that integrate the cluster and its members.
• Promoting on domestic and international markets for innovative services by cluster.