RI2 Integrate Machmaking event – July 8, 2019 Magurele

5 years ago  By  Iuliana Velniciuc     No comments


Innovation and research results are services based on new knowledge and very specific in their production and valorification with higher costs than usual merchandises.

Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI) is an important tool which aims to close the gap between cuting-edge technology and processes and the public sector customers and users who can benefit from them.

These was the reason IFIN HH together with Magurele High Tech Cluster invited representatives from research area and industry to a discution upon PPI procedures and can these be changed to obtain better results.

A short introduction has been done by Mr Ioan Ursu, project manager he introduced to the audience the project RI2 Integrate - Embeddedness of high quality research infrastructures in the Danube Region, under whose umbrella the event took place. Please follow the link to see the presentation iursu_ri2integrate_eli-np_magurele_presentation_july8_2019.

As it is to be expected project ELI NP is one of the beneficiary of the proposed PPI procedures. At the moment Romanian  legislation has several specific rules for procurement for innovation.

Some of these regulations were explained by Mrs. Corina Lungu, Public Procurement Coordinator, ELI-NP in her presenation : public-procurement-of-innovation-in-romania – overview of the legal framework and practical application.

Mr Jan Satachura representing ELI BEAMLINES, Czech Republic, author of public procurement on innovation utilization guide; the guideline for aiding the RI related business ecosystem  and the roadmap for community dissemination presented to the Romanian audience the conclusion upon PPI procedures ppi-overview he also chose to present some case-studies.

In the end the event was higly apreciated by those wich attend it.

The event was co-financed by Program Danube Transnational from European Union funds  (ERDF, IPA).

We invite you to see a photo gallery:

 Project co-financed by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA)